Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Home remedies for digestive problems

Heartburn is felt right from the chest to the throat area. One of the main reasons for heartburn is acid reflux, a condition cause by stomach acids irritating the oesophagus.

Tips to prevent heartburn
Try to eat small portions of food through the day. Regardless of the type of the food, overeating tends to lead to heartburn. Also, chew your food well. Wolfing each bite down only hampers digestion.

Adopt healthier methods of cooking. Baking, grilling and stir frying are healthier cooking methods. Deep frying and shallow frying your food tends to cause discomfort.

If heartburn is a common problem for you, avoid extremely spicy, citrusy and vinegary foods. If you must eat them, accompany them with a decent amount of acidic foods such as meat and vegetables.

Binge drinking is a common reason behind bloating and heartburn-related problems. Limit your intake of alcohol and re-hydrate often when you do drink.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disorder in which one might suffer from extreme abdominal pain and cramps. In severe cases, one may also suffer from constipation or diarrhoea.

Ways to get rid of terrible sore throat

Warm saline gargle- Gargling with a pinch of salt in a glass of luke warm water 3-4 times daily helps increase the blood flow to the pharyngeal region, thereby washing away the infection and also reducing the edema associated with the infection. It also loosens the mucus, which can be expelled easily.

Drink plenty of warm liquids - Tea, lemon tea, ginger-lemon tea, soups, cinnamon tea, warm orange juice with lemon drops, honey + lemon juice + crushed ginger in warm water etc. These are common home remedies that are very helpful in relieving a sore throat.

Soft diet - Steamed /microwaved apple, mashed with honey acts as a throat soothener and it is easy to swallow without hurting the throat.

Steam inhalation - With a steamer / hot shower.

Throat sootheners - Cough lozenges, menthol / eucalyptus oil lozenges, honey + lemon. These help by soothing the throat and menthol also causes temporary numbness to the ailing throat. They also increase saliva secretion, thereby preventing dryness of the throat.

Local heat - Apply a heating pad to the throat region or wrap your neck with hot air dried warm cloth / towel. This will provide relief to the ailing throat.

genius home remedies you must know!

Menstrual pain: Mix the juice of 2-3 lemons in cold water and have it every day for relief.

Chronic headache: Peel and chop apple. Dash some salt and have it the first thing in the morning.

Flatulence: Mix about 1/4th spoon of baking soda in water and drink for relief.

Sore throat: Boil 2-3 basil leaves in water and let it boil on low flame till the juice of the leaf is extracted. You can use the liquid for gargle.

Mouth ulcers: Ripe banana with honey offer instant relief. This can be turned into a paste and applied on affected areas.

Sinus congestion: Mix organic apple cider vinegar with a pinch of cayenne pepper powder in less than half a cup of hot water. Have it while it is warm atleast twice a day.

things no one tells women about weight loss!

1) The path to a slimmer you is not a straight line
Even if you do everything right and stay on track, weight loss is not linear, which means you will lose weight, gain some weight back, and this may happen several times until you reach your goal. Your weight will fluctuate within the same month because during their cycle, women retain water. Research says that serotonin levels are lower before menstruation, which means women are more prone to overeating and food cravings. Your weight will also fluctuate over time because via hormones and other mechanisms, our body protects us against weight loss more than it protects us against weight gain. This is why you will usually hit weight loss plateaus and feel as if you are no longer making progress.

2) You may face defeating setbacks during your weight loss journey
Weight loss is not as simple as eating less and exercising more. You may experience some emotionally and psychologically defeating blows. Every time this happens, know that you are not broken and don't have to feel bad about yourself. Don't feel guilty about gaining a few pounds back or reaching out to food when life gets rough.

3) You will need to have compassion for yourself, instead of criticism and guilt
Women who want to lose weight often put themselves through a lot of psychological abuse. They can be hard on themselves, with a lot of criticism and negative self-talk. This can lead to over-restrictive dieting, then self-punishment when they realise their unrealistic diet is not sustainable over the long term. Many women also feel guilty about almost everything they eat, about not having more willpower, not making progress, reaching for sweet foods when life is hard, or 'being fat.' It is helpful to have more compassion towards yourself. You need to come from a place of self-love and self-acceptance if you really want to be successful. And research has shown that self-compassion increases one's motivation to improve and avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Fed up of being told that it's impossible to get rid of thunder thighs or a wobbly belly?

Pot belly
Why it happens?
Stored fat around the belly suggests a problem with the adrenal glands, which produce the stress hormone cortisol. This is usually down to long-term pressure and the resulting high levels of cortisol, which trigger the over production of insulin and encourage the body to deposit fat in the area around the stomach.

Tackle it
The key is to relax — anything that makes you unwind will help reduce your stress levels.

The main culprit is too much sugar — especially in alcohol and white carbs (bread, pasta). To balance your glucose levels, eat foods with a low glycaemic index — vegetables, beans, fish and meat. Cut out white carbs, sugar, alcohol and coffee.

Working out eases stress, but try to supplement your regime with something calming like yoga, too.

Bra fat bulge
Why it happens?
Those fat pockets at the back that can make your bra feel tight are often linked to a sluggish thyroid. This gland produces the hormone thyroxine, which controls the rate you burn calories at. If it's underactive, it can cause back fat, weight gain, lack of energy and a low mood.